Saturday, June 5, 2010

June 5 - Deliverance

I sought You, Lord, and You heard me and delivered me from all my fears.   Psalm 34:4

Relationships take work.  That is a fact across all humanity.  It also is a fact when we look at our relationship with God.  We can't sit back and hope our relationship with our Creator will grow while we sleep or eat or work.  It requires effort and discipline on our part.  It requires that we be intentional.

But the payoff is huge.  Bigger than huge.  Bigger than words.

The payoff is deliverance.

What is profound to you about this passage? 


  1. Man, are you a night owl or were you just in the Spirit?

  2. Maybe a Spirited night owl?
    Deliverance, I believe, is not always the absence of the trial, pain, etc. but from the fear it brings. Bowing to the Father, accepting the good and the hard even while not understanding it, frees us from this world. Unless we are in His Word, learning from Him, this is not possible.

  3. Seeking the Lord is a 24/7 kind of thing. Can't happen just in a church pew.

  4. Just by looking at this passage I see something that I hear a lot of and I need to believe it more. Yahweh(YHWH)God is no respector of persons, what He has done for others, He can do for you. Seeking the LORD and Him answering my prayer is a constant thing. If we, or in this case I, seek him on a continual basis, some awesome and miraculous things happen. YHWH LORD, help me seek you in ALL things in my life and help me to give surrender LORDship of my life to you daily. Forgive me when I put you on the back burner instead of putting you in the forefront. Continue to mold my into your character for you are great and you do great and mighty things. In the name of Jesus Christ, Lord, Saviour, Master and commander of my life and soul I humbly pray, AMEN.

  5. Looking at the verse, I can see that as long as God is calling the shots and I'm giving EVERYTHING to him, I'm fearless.

  6. Deliverance is powerful. Since I started my walk with Jesus, he has delivered me from fear of sharing His Word with others. He has delivered me from sickness and disease. Knowing of His faithfulness in answering prayer and keeping to his promises are what a relationship is all about. He wants us all to seek him and ask him for guidance. Being obedient and open to his direction opens so many paths to helping others. I have learned what a compassionate and loving God we serve. He teaches us about loving others through his Son, Jesus. Let us keep on seeking, asking and knocking. He will be there for us when we do.
