Thursday, June 3, 2010

June 3 - No fear

God, You have not given me the spirit of fear but of power, of love and of a sound mind.   2 Timothy 1:7


Where does fear have its origin?  In our mind.  When we start to become afraid about something, it begins in our mind.  Sometimes the object of our fear is real, but very often, it is imagined. Sometimes it is some thought we allow to burrow into our minds and we start to go down a path that is very unhealthy.  Sometimes we make a home for our fear, building a case for it and rationalizing it.

Fear and faith are like oil and water.  They cannot mix.  Fear is choosing a path of sight and not a path of faith.

God doesn't want our imaginations to run away with us and take us to a place He never intended for us to go.

He wants us to have a sound mind.



  1. But.. we are human beings and fear is a natural biological or physiological response to certain stimuli. I think then if He doesn't want us to have fear as it is stated in the scripture then when we do have fear we have but to state this scripture in our minds (like a mantra for some) over and over to overcome our fears. Fear is also your body's (or mind) way of protecting us from something dangerous, is it not? Fear can be a good thing but not when it leads you away from God.

  2. Heavenly Father, I come to you today to ask that you would pour out your Holy Spirit in me so I can boast only in your humble and holy confidence to conquer some fears that I have in me. Please bless me with a sound mind, self-discipline and power that comes from your Holy Spirit. Comfort me with your rod and your staff and help me dwell in Your house forevermore. In the name of your Son Jesus Christ I humbly pray, Amen.

  3. I always go back to Jeremiah 29:11 when I am fearful. "For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." It is a comfort for me to take a deep breath, denounce Satan's influence over me, and state this verse. Sometimes many times a day if I am in a stressful and anxious situation. But often, I look back at those anxious times, and wish that I could have been more faithful. I can see how God cared for me and I wish that I had trusted Him more. I guess that is part of growing up and maturing in our faith, but it is sure taking me a long time and alot of practice.
