Wednesday, June 23, 2010

June 23 - Workmanship

God, I am Your workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which You have before ordained that I should walk in them.   Ephesians 2:10

One of the things every person struggles with in some way in their lifetime is purpose.  Am I some random mistake who is walking the earth because two atoms collided by chance millions of years ago? 

Am I the product of millions of years of evolution?  Or is there a greater design involved in my life?

Was I created intentionally by a Greater Power with a specific purpose in mind?

If you believe God exists, then scripture promises that those who diligently seek Him will find Him.

It also promises that we are not some random being, but individually, specifically made for a purpose.  

God created good works for us to do long before we took our first breath.  And as we continue to seek Him, those works will continually be revealed to us.  

We have a very definite and distinct purpose, not only collectively as God's creation, but also as individuals.

What are your thoughts about that promise? 


  1. The promise makes me feel relieved and joyful. It's so hard to believe at times that God cares enough for me to have designed me for a specific purpose. When I doubt, I remind myself that I'm not doubting myself; I'm doubting His power. How can I doubt after all He has done in my life and in the lives of those around me? He has situated me time and time before only for me to doubt His presence? I thank Him for His wonderful plan for me. I pray I will work hard to see His face in all that I do and that my heart answer to Him alone when I am called to work!

  2. I wonder how God can make me a masterpiece even though I mess up more times than I can count. I can't complain though. I thank him for creating me in His image.
