Tuesday, June 22, 2010

June 22 - Give

I give and it will be given to me - good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will men give to me.  For with the same measure I use, it shall be measured to me as well.   Luke 6:38

We live in a selfish world.  We see expensive cars with bumper stickers that say, "He who dies with the most toys wins."  We hear people bring conversations back to themselves.  We obsess about our appearance.

Yet God instructs us to live in the exact opposite way: selfless, as opposed to selfish.

This is where the blessings of life happen. 

Joy is found in the giving, not the getting.  Peace comes through putting others before ourselves.  Contentment will never rest on us when we focus on ourselves 24-7.

And the greatest irony of all is Christ's promise that when we bless others instead of camping out on ourselves, we end up being blessed beyond measure.

How do you see this scripture playing out in your own life?


  1. I see it as an opportunity to go outside of myself and see that there is a huge difference between living(John 10:10) and just existing. Here is another verse that when I look at it, I get joy out of it. Acts 20:35--In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words of the Lord Jesus himself said: "It is more blessed to give than to receive."

  2. I notice that when I made the decision that I will enjoy my life no matter what, I felt a tremendous release. After having come to that decision, I noticed more and more how easily sin comes when you think selfishly. Sins I had committed before weren't an obstacle and I find so much joy in giving all of me to others. I enjoy sharing me (sometimes money, but the largest gifts I can give that comes from only me are my friendship, talent, acceptance, and love). Armed with these gifts, I can shed some light in the darkness for others, and not posessing material items becomes obstinate. It is a hard decision to make, and since I am a selfish animal naturally, I can't say that I'm totally immune from selfishness. However, I'm extremely better than I was just a year ago and God has revealed tremendous love and blessings to me through it. Praise God for the Perfect way He works!!
