Saturday, July 31, 2010

Discouragement 3

I lie down and sleep; I wake again, because the LORD sustains me.  I will not fear the tens of thousands drawn up against me on every side.    Psalm 3:5-6

How many times have you gone to sleep with your mind racing, wondering if things were going to be ok the next day?  Wondering if you were going to be able to sleep?  Wondering if you were even going to be able to function?

David was in a crisis time in his life.  He wrote these words while running away from his son Absalom.  Not only was he dealing with the heartbreak of his son rebelling against him, but even worse, his own son was trying to kill him.  He had become a fugitive in his own land. 

How would you sleep if you knew someone was tirelessly searching for you in order to kill you?  I don't think I'd sleep very much and certainly not well.

Yet, in the middle of this horrendous time, he could not only sleep, but even say he wasn't afraid of a vast army coming after him.  How did he do that?  How did he keep from crumbling under the weight of the pressure and the fear?

Because he trusted that the LORD would sustain him.  And he was right.

The same Lord will sustain you too.

How does this scripture help you?

1 comment:

  1. This Scripture will help me learn how to trust in the LORD. I'm really struggling with letting go of previous mistakes and learning how to be transparent with people close to me. I feel like I'm a failure and I'm of no use to anyone. In fact there are times when I feel like I wish I did not exist. I just want to feel like I'm someone who can be somebody and really enjoy life to the full, as stated in Scripture. Right now, I feel like I'm absolutely clueless. God, please help me feel loved.
