Friday, July 2, 2010

Anger 2

The discretion of a person defers their anger, and it is to their glory to pass over a transgression.   Proverbs 19:11

You get cut off in traffic.  You are insulted by a co-worker.  You are ignored by the person you held the door open for.  These things are relatively easy to let go of (well, maybe...).

But how about the bigger things?  The battles you need to make sure you win?  When, in the heat of the moment, you believe your anger is justified.  Been there?

Me too.

Solomon says we are better off to let things go.  To decide ahead of time that we are not going to become angry when we are mistreated.  Or insulted.  Or ignored.  Or worse.

This doesn't start with a decision made in the heat of the moment.  It starts with a decision made when we wake up in the morning.

How does this passage help you?


  1. It lps me realize that just like everything else in this world, you have to give your anger to God fully, not just 50%, or 75%. Self-control is something that I have a tendency to lack in and I need God's help with that.

  2. Aahh yes, choices. We have to make them when we wake up every day. Who am I going to be? A disciple of Jesus or a Sunday Christian. The Spirit is there to guide us. I call on Him every day to help me be the person I should be. Praise God! My anger can be tamed.

  3. I find the desire to win an arguement at all cost is very true for me in parenting. It is hard as a parent to back down and swallow your pride. But what a moment of grace when I can step back, quiet my tongue, and let it go. No one wins when I push my will on my children in anger. It is at those times that I need God's strength to let it go. God's good and peaceful and perfect strength that represents power and control through meekness. Oh I have alot to learn. "let you gentleness be evident to all". Phil 4:5

  4. I really like this "conscious decision-making" that we ought to do when we first wake up. I really feel that is something I am going to start doing. I will wake up and decide right then and there, through God's help, that I will not get angry.

  5. ken (the forgiven)July 2, 2010 at 3:22 PM

    geesh my toes are sore.....

    As I age (I seem to be doing that a lot lately) I can look back and see the wisdom herein.

    And I can also see how very far I have to go.

    I am encouraged that I have lasted so long, knowing so little.

    God is good.

    And patient.
