Thursday, August 5, 2010

Relying on God when wrestling with doubt

Faith comes by hearing the Good News and people hear the Good News when someone tells them about Christ.   Romans 10:17

Doubt and faith.  Polar opposites.

Have you ever been wandering around in a wooded area and lost your bearings?  That horrible feeling of not knowing which way home is?  Or maybe you've seen the scene in a movie in which someone is lost in a desert and has no clue which way to go to get to civilization. 

That feeling of not being able to trust in what you know is very frightening.  Because when we've wandered away from what is known to us, our bearings are lost and we become helpless.

Doubt creeps in when we veer away from home base.  The further we drift from an active relationship with our Creator, the more doubt will seep into our heart, mind and soul.

Relationship with God is the antidote to doubt.

What kind of impression do you get from this passage?

1 comment:

  1. My impression of this passage is that there is a message that I need to have resonate in me. Faith and hearing the message of Christ come hand in hand.
