Saturday, August 28, 2010

Grief 3

You will swallow up death in victory, and You, Lord GOD, will wipe away tears from all faces...for You, LORD, have spoken it.   Isaiah 25:8

That middle part.  The wipe away all tears part.  That almost seems more comforting to us than the swallow up death in victory part.

Why is that?

Well, we almost take for granted that in the end, God wins.  We've heard that so many times that sometimes we lose the magnitude of it.

But the wiping away of all tears?  That's life now.  Here.  On this earth.  One day brings joy and happiness and the next brings grief and sorrow.  And we often don't have any control over either one.  Or in some cases, our own behavior brings our tears.

So to think that one day, there will be no more tears, brings a deep sense of comfort that nothing else can. 

You know why that's true?

Because of that last part.  The You have spoken it part.

How does this passage strike you?


  1. This passage strikes me as profound and reassuring because of God winning. Prime example of the latter part of 1 Corinthians 15 where Paul talks about Jesus being resurrected giving us ultimate victory over death and the grave. "Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death is your sting?" Not here. Thank you Jesus for what you did 2,000 years ago for me.

  2. If death is the price we pay for sins, and our Lord God will swallow death up in victory, then we who believe should not fear death. My comfort is that my Jesus will be the victor, and I will be taken up with Him on that day.

    I love the way God tells us He will physically wipe away our tears from our cheeks. How amazing is He to provide that imagery for us--an act so loving and so kind. It is like a mother taking care of her hurting child. "Rest in Me", the act says, "no need to cry any longer; I have beaten the monster, I have fought the battle and won. Nothing will make you cry anymore." Praise the Almighty God!
