Monday, August 2, 2010

Discouragement 5

I will remember the years of Your right hand, most High.  I will remember Your works, LORD.  Surely I will remember Your wonders of old.  I will meditate also on Your work and talk of Your doings.  Your way, O God, is in the sanctuary.  Who is so great a God as our God?  You are the God who does wonders.  You have declared Your strength among the people.   Psalm 77:10-14

When discouragement swallows us, we neglect a fundamental issue with God: remembrance.  God is a God of remembrance. 

Throughout scripture, over and over we are instructed to remember.  Remember what the Lord your God has done for you.  Remember where He has led you out of.  Remember His mercies toward you.  Remember His undying, unfading love for you.


Unfortunately, when we slide into discouragement, we tend to forget.  When we do so, it is far worse than just not thinking of specific ways He has come through for us. 

It is forgetting who He is.

What do you think of when you read this passage?


  1. Discouragement is all about negative thinking, and it's a common human condition. It's one of Satan's chief weapons, right up there with shame and guilt. Give me enough discouragement, and I slip into depression.

    Since I'm a reading teacher, I'm into word study (yikes!). "Discourage" = not + courage. The root word of courage is "cour", the French word for heart. Literally, a person who is discouraged has lost heart.

    God's instructions give me the keys to fight discouragement. Remember. Meditate. Think. Consider. If I REMEMBER to MEDITATE, it helps me THINK and CONSIDER. See? It's working already!

  2. Sometimes it takes a refreser course on what the LORD has done in my life to remember that He is my refuge and has done some wonderful and miraculous things for me and I need to remember and rest in that.

  3. Remembering is all I can afford to do! If I don't remember, I get discouraged very easily. The more I remember, the easier it is to fight the battles of life. He has carried me. I have not prayed for remembrance; I have decided to remember. How grateful am I, after all? He loves me!
