Sunday, May 23, 2010

Wealth, wisdom and wine - Chapter 23

Although other topics are also touched on in this chapter, Solomon hits on these three repeatedly.  If he wrote the proverbs to instruct us on timeless truths, it would be wise to notice what subjects seem to come up time and time again.

What did he say in this chapter that really made you stop and examine yourself?


  1. I'm going with the "Buy truth and do not sell it." line...

    I do want to emphasize again Jane's comment in first service about going to "GET" wisdom, discipline, and understanding. What a great reminder of the need to be proactive in my search for wisdom.

    The other thing I'll mention is how often in my life God has asked me to use the wisdom He gives me immediately. It often seems that the world is clamoring for guidance, myself included. When I take the initiative to go GET wisdom, and am blessed with it, God often has me release it to a specific individual or family. IT's as if they were waiting on the Word of God and He chose me.

    I believe He has that planned for us all, ambassadors of His wisdom and understanding to those around us searching as we are.

  2. Don't get involved in a "get rich quick scheme"(vv.1-5). Verses 5 & 6 to me parallel Phil. 4:19. Trust in God, not in riches. Exercising discipline is a major responsibility for parents to instill in their children(vv. 13-14, 13:24). I love my hopeful future in the LORD.(vv. 15-19. 4:25-26, Jer. 29:11, Psalm 37:37). Remember to honor God first and thenyour parents in all things. Do what you can to make your parents proud whether they are living or living with Jesus. Having your parents smile on you is one of the greatest things a child can do for a parent. Stay on the right path because there are some pitfalls and dangers along the way.
