Monday, May 24, 2010

Rebellious people - Chapter 24

Let me ask you a question.  When someone tells you that you ARE going to do something or that you ARE NOT going to do something, does it twist your stomach up in a knot? Does it make you want to go against whatever they are forcing on you?

That's called rebellion.  

Rebellion isn't always bad.  It has been responsible for nations being freed from oppression.  It has been responsible for abuse being nipped in the bud.  As a matter of fact, rebellion is best used against evil.

But when it turns against God's plans and desire for humankind, it is like an out-of-control fire that devastates everything in it's path.  

This chapter of Proverbs hits on this fact repeatedly.

Which verse caught your attention today?


  1. 17 Do not let your heart envy sinners,
    but always be zealous for the fear of the LORD.

    23 Buy the truth and do not sell it;
    get wisdom, discipline and understanding.

    As Christians there are things and places we must not participate in to keep our minds pure. This takes discipline and a healthy fear of the Lord. We have to approach God through prayer and ask him for this wisdom, discipline, and understanding. We cannot get it on our own; we need HIM.

  2. Verses 17-18 got my attention because if you gloat, it will come back to bite you, big time.

  3. Proverbs 24:

    Gotta be honest. The first one that stood out to me was vss. 17-18

    17 Do not gloat when your enemy falls; 
    when he stumbles, do not let your heart rejoice,
    18 or the LORD will see and disapprove 
    and turn his wrath away from him.

    But here is how I read it:
    17 Do not gloat when the guy who passes you on 1960W going 65 gets pulled over
    18 Or God will see and won't give him a ticket.


    I've heard vs 32 out of context for a good portion of my life:

    I applied my heart to what I observed
    and learned a lesson from what I saw

    The context is that he sees the run-down vineyard of a lazy person and makes the judgement that his laziness has caused his downfall.
    I am just thankful that vs. 32 is in there, showing how he got to the conclusion he did. It's like he's saying "Matt, you need to stop, look around, and let God give you wisdom through your surroundings as well. See it, run it through the filter of your spirit-filled heart, and learn from it."

  4. Well, since we are being honest, I'll tell you about my day. After a year of our house being on the market, two faulty contracts, I got on
    my knees last night and asked God to show me what He wants from me. If He wants us to move closer to church we'll move and if He doesn't we'll stay. This morning we had another offer and by mid afternoon our 19 year old a/c unit is not working. We can fix it but not fix it and then while I'm struggling with what God wants from me, what His message is, I am also griping at the kids, edgy, and short tempered.

    And then I read, if a man falters in times of trouble, how small is his strength?

    Well folks, my strength is not great, but my God is really, really strong and this is small potatos for Him!!! So...while I have no idea what will happen, I put my trust in a mighty, mighty God...

  5. Julia, Thank you for sharing your heart. I strugggled with a house situation for several years; then 2 years ago, was blessed with a fantastic house just a few miles from the Bammel building. Did you also notice 24:3-4? "By wisdom a house is built, and by understanding it is established; And by knowledge the rooms are filled with all precious and pleasant riches." I will be praying that God provides you with such a house. Again, thank you for sharing.

  6. Thank all of you for all your prayers!! The ac fix was easy and I double checked to make sure that our buyers would be amply covered if the unit decides to go out within the year they move in. Nothing worse than buying a house that needs a major repair right after you buy it. I sure don't have any intentions of hurting them in that way and want to do what is right.

    The other good news is that we have a contract on a house four miles from church!!! So God fixed it all. I knew He would but just like the verse said, in times of small is our strenght?
    We would praise Him either way!!!
