Monday, May 10, 2010

Proverbial sayings - Chapter 10

Solomon has finished his discourse on the value of wisdom and how important it is when adultery is being considered. Now he begins a long series of rapid-fire sayings that often seem to be free-standing, verse by verse.

These are universal truths. They are obviously not true in every circumstance, but are general statements of wisdom that can help direct our thoughts and our focus.

Which ones stood out to you in Chapter 10 and why?


  1. Verse 12 Hatred stirs up strife but love covers all offenses.
    The greatest command!

    Sometimes I don't see or understand the rest of this chapter. As often i see bad people getting rewarded

  2. The verse that caught my eye was verse 7. " The memory of the righteous will be a blessing... This is so true. We will never forget and often smile as we remember the loved ones that have gone on before us that have lived a faithful life of servanthood. To name a few, Doris Hacker, Ken Lindsay, Gene Cauldcleugh, Charlie Floyd, Gloria Mahle and Buddy Reeder. These christian men and women will live on in our memories and continue to bless us forever, even tho they have passed from this life and achieved thier goal. How thankful I am that God gave this to me!

  3. What stands out to me is the number of proverbs here that deal with the mouth, speech, and tongue. He shares thoughts on its power, both destructive and nourishing.

    The question I had in this was in verse 19:
    "When words are many, sin is not absent,
    but he who holds his tongue is wise."

    It doesn't make much sense to talk about NOT TALKING as wise and then two verses later talk about "nourishing many" with my wise lips.
    I looked at the work HOLDS in verse 19, and the word in Hebrew really hints not toward total shut-down of the mouth (which is a wise choice from time to time) but instead points toward a hesitation, a temporary reining-in. Simply put: HEY MATT: WAIT. PAUSE. THINK. ALLOW TIME FOR THE SPIRIT TO FILTER AND GUIDE.

    James puts it as "quick to listen, slow to speak."

  4. 25 When the whirlwind passes by, the wicked is no more,
    But the righteous has an everlasting foundation.

  5. I have some verses that really speak to me. Verse 3 really speaks to me because in the past few months, there are times when I don't have enough money to buy groceries, yet the LORD provides and does not let me go hungry, both physically and spiritully and yet he thwarts the cravings of the wicked. Verse 11 talks about the fountain of life. I want that on a continual basis. Thank you Jesus for being my fountain of life. Verse 14 convicted me because there are times I can act like a knucklehead and be quick with my mouth and let folly ruin me. Thank goodness for God's mercy and grace. Verse 17 reminds me of the times that I despised corporal punishent in my younger years; however, I'm glad I had it because with out that correction, I would be in a really bad place right now. Verse 27, I pray that God will bless me with a long, fruitful, and lengthy life. This is a very insightful chapter and I hope and pray that I will live out wise truths of Solomon and not give in to the wickedness of the world.

  6. Verse 24: What the wicked dreads will overtake him; what the righteous desire will be granted.

    I have been wicked and I have put my hope in things of this life. During those times, I dread the end of it. For those still putting their hope in things that end, (what they dread), it will overtake them. People who are all about appearances--their apperances will fade, no matter how they fight it. Those who desire money, popularity, relationships that are unholy....these people dread not getting there, not receiving it, and losing it once they have it. But all of those things will end sooner or later and they dread it. This will overtake them and they will find that they have nothing else to show for what their life has been about, except for what they have done for themselves.

    What do the righteous desire? Healthy families, holy relationships, pleasing God, helping others, and life eternal. They desire holy things. If many of those desires are granted here on earth, how much more will they be granted in heaven? The righteous desire things that are eternal and their hope is in the Lord. There is no end to the things that the righteous desire and at the end of their life, they will have a trail of blessings behind them and a mature love for God. The righteous will always be filled because they have chosen to be. A poor righteous man is rich!

  7. The righteous desire holy things...I like that, Julizza. Sums it up, nicely.
