Monday, September 13, 2010

Relying on God when struggling with mistakes

Who is the one who condemns?  It is Christ who died, yes, rather who is risen again, who is even at Your right hand making intercession for me.   Romans 8:34

Have you ever worked for a boss that was harsh and unforgiving when someone made a mistake?  I realize some mistakes can be costly and repeated mistakes can damage a company, but that's not what I'm talking about.  I'm talking about the guy who is a tyrant and demands perfection from everyone.  Except himself, of course.

In life, as in business, some mistakes are costlier than others.  Some mistakes are made honestly and some would be more accurately called sin.

Thanks be to God!  He is not like that harsh boss.  His forgiveness is instantaneous when the request comes from a contrite heart.

And the best thing of all?  Not only does God forgive our mistakes and our sins, He goes one step further.

He stands in the gap for us.  He intercedes for us so that one day, we won't have to pay the price for our mistakes.

Because He already has.

What are your impressions of this passage?


  1. This is a passionate and powerful message. For who are we, those bought and redeemed, to doubt the power and majesty of a blessed Christ who will always work and do good things for those He has redeemed? He is an amazing God, and we need not fear a boss, a husband, a mother, a father, a brother, a sister, a so-called friend, or co-worker, or devil that comes to judge us. We are His people and He will protect us. In His name, we are MORE than conquers. What does it mean to be MORE than a conqueror? Even beyond the win, beyond the redemption, we are gifted His everlasting love and eternal grace. What a gift to be chosen and justfied!! Be joyful and glorify the Creator! What an amazing passage of faith.

  2. This passage is powerful because it says to me that God will not beat me over the head with condemnation or guilt, or anything else that will keep me down. I looked at this passage deeper and I realize that I need Christ to intercede on my behalf and I thank Him for that. I also thank Him for His sacrifice on the cross and His postion of power(on the right hand of Father God). That gives me comfort.
